

Responsive website layout

I created a responsive website layout. This project allows me to use CSS and JS together. Thanks to this project, I learned how to plan a website and choose eye-friendly colours.

rock paper scissior

Rock Paper Scissors Game

I attempted to create a famous game called "rock paper scissors" using html, CSS, and JavaScript. Thanks to this project, I obtained more knowledge on DOM manipulation.


My Codepens

I practice my frontend design on codepen by creating small templates and participating in codepen challenges. I try to use concepts that I find challenging or new in those pens.


Small Projects in Python

Currently, I am learning python. I created these little games or projects for practicing. I have developed hangman, mad labs, rock paper scissors etc as a mini-project.


Small Projects in C

I learned the C language as part of my course. I tried to use this and create something like games, which use my coding as well as fun to make.